Rested, I am speed, 50-miler???

Running Mileage Total: 38.55 Miles

Yesterday was a full day off. It allowed me to catch up on sleep and return to morning runs. Today's morning run went well. I felt like the wind. Like I was running very fast. I was a little disappointed when I saw I only averaged 8'09". But hey, it's still early.

Tomorrow is the Oceanside Turkey Trot. I'll be running with my kids, so it should be a very light, slow day. Somehow I'll need to squeeze an extra mile in there.

Oh yeah, tomorrow is also Thanksgiving. I'm going to enjoy Thanksgiving food and break the diet. I'll try not to go crazy and gorge myself, though. I'm really looking forward to mashed potatoes and pie, though. Mmmmm... I love pie. One day isn't going to ruin my efforts. Who knows, maybe the carbs will help my Friday morning run be incredible.

Also, I'm going skiing with my son on Friday. I'll have to get up extra early to get a run in beforehand. That should be interesting. I'm very excited. I just need to make sure I keep my knees safe.

Pain-wise, I feel okay. My right knee feels sensitive, but not bad. Not much worse than it always feels.

Last bit of news. My wife and I might be signing up for the inaugural Kauai 50-miler in August. I've never done a 50-miler before, so it should be interesting (re: awful). It will be an accomplishment, at any rate. I'll keep you updated on the status.