Sue me, night owl, veggies

Running Mileage Total: 34.48 Miles

I missed a few days. Sue me. A few things have happened since the last entry. I've hit my single-run mileage peak of 5.09 miles. That doesn't seem like much. Probably because it isn't. Still, it feels good to be increasing. Also, my new norm is 4 miles per day instead of 3. That's something. I know this sounds ridiculous for someone training for a marathon, but I was a little worried about the increase. Worry not. It went very well.

Yesterday was not a good day. Nothing from a running perspective. Instead, from a mental standpoint. I need to remind myself that setbacks will happen. It's okay. It's not a reason to abandon hard work. Coupled with mental weakness, I ran way too late. I started my run at 11:15 PM. Not good. As penance, I stayed up after I got back and did laundry. I also got up early and did the dishes. Now I'm tired. Obviously. I'll be back on track today, though. I really need to focus on morning runs. I almost skipped yesterday's run. That wouldn't have been good. Then I would have had four days in a row on increased mileage. Again, four days doesn't sound like much, but it could be devastating in build mode.

I'll now post the run stats for my last four runs.





I'll review the last run only. It felt fine. It was late, and I was mentally tired, but my body felt okay. I was worried because I was feeling fatigue from weights and core before I started. Muscle fatigue didn't appear to factor into anything, though.

I haven't provided any diet notes. I will now. I camped over the weekend and wasn't able to eat as many vegetables. Honestly, I feel like that contributed to my lapse in mental fortitude. My mind feels sharper, more precise, and more ready to resist bad habits when I've eaten my weight in greens. I'm not sure if that's the placebo effect or reality. I've noticed other things on this diet as well. For one, I'm definitely leaning out and dropping weight. I'll need to keep an eye on the weight so it doesn't go too far. It's weight I can afford to drop now, though. The other thing I've noticed is I'm more ornery. I don't mean to snap about stuff, but I can't help it. I don't love that. Only 4 - 8 more weeks, and then I'll start reintroducing some carbs. I'm hoping then my mood will improve.

Lastly, I'm still generally pain-free (ish). My right knee is bothering me a little, but it feels like it's just fatigue. Nothing serious.