A little sore, decent run, heartbeat

Running Mileage Total: 19.00 Miles (no change)

I fell asleep in my son's bed again. I was putting him to bed and didn't have the energy to get up. I don't think it's bad, though. I was up late the night before (from travel). It's fine. I just have to make sure not to make a habit of it.

Today's run started at a reasonable hour - 7:30 am. Here are the details:

The run felt okay. I didn't feel incredibly energized, but I didn't feel terrible, either. After turning into my neighborhood, the end of the run is always hard. At least for now. Coming into the neighborhood, there's a hill and a steep turn. Then it levels off for about a tenth of a mile, and then it's all uphill from there to the end. This should get easier as training goes on. Right now, it isn't hard, per se, but I do have to will myself through it.

I've got to be able to do these runs at a lower heart rate. Maybe tomorrow, I'll try to run a little slower.

I didn't have any pains to speak of this time. Well, besides muscle soreness from the light lifting that I've been doing. Everything else felt great, including my hamstring.