Late night, sore body, bad day

Running Mileage Total: 15.83 Miles (no change)

I had to make a day trip to Palo Alto yesterday. It was easy getting there, but my return flight was delayed. Several times. This isn't much of a problem in and of itself. However, it did make me tired. Tired people have less resolve than rested people. I was less disciplined than I intended today. Not the end of the world, but not where I'd like to be either. All we can do is keep trying to get better.

As a travel day, I'd say that I was pretty healthy. It's not always easy to be healthy when traveling. I made breakfast at home with vegetables, chicken, and eggs. I went to Whole Foods for lunch and got broccoli, green beans, chicken, kale, and Brussel sprouts. The end of the day wasn't exactly what I wanted, but not bad. I had an Old Spreckled Hen beer. It was delicious. I also had a salad at SweetGreens that seemed pretty anti-inflammatory, except for the quinoa. I need to research quinoa, but I understand that grains can cause inflammation. I'll check in on it and report back.

Today was a day off from running. Then I have three days in a row. They're all short runs, so it should be no problem. The only one that may be tricky is Sunday's. I'll be camping in the high desert. It's always a little harder to be motivated to run when camping. Especially if it is going to be frigid cold. Instead of running, I did some light weight training. This included dumbbell chest press (single and double arm), dumbbell shoulder press (single and double arm), seven-way legs, front planks, and side planks.

My body felt good today. It felt a little sore from the weights on Sunday but good. All of my joints feel healthy and I have no major pains. Let's hope it stays that way.