Early morning, warm hands, refreshed legs

Running Mileage Total: 15.83 Miles

Last night was a success! I laid down in bed at 7:45. I can't believe I'm happy about that. I read for about a half hour. Then I went to sleep. I had an awful dream that I won't write into existence. It was awful, though. Aside from that, I woke up at 3:00. I didn't get out of bed until 3:20, though. Then I went for a run.

Even more successful was earlier last night, we went to a party at our neighbor's house. They had cornbread, chips and guac (and salsa), lots of beer, and chili. I had two small bowls of chili and three chips with guac. I split two beers with my buddy, and that was it. I wouldn't exactly say that it's true to an anti-inflammatory diet, but it's still pretty good. At any rate, I was proud of myself.

Getting back to the run:

The funny thing about running - sometimes a fast run feels slow and slow run feels fast. This morning felt great. I felt strong, and the run felt easy. I wish the times were faster, but these first eight weeks are all about building base. I'll build a better base by running a little slower for a little longer. Speed will come, hopefully.

I wore gloves this time, so my fingers didn't hurt. Everything felt pretty good. I felt a little pain in the anterior of my left shin. I also felt a little swollen in the right knee afterwards. Nothing hurt, though.