Tired legs, tired back, tired eyes

Running Mileage Total: 12.67 Miles

I didn't fall asleep on the couch last night. I fell asleep in my son's bed instead. le sigh. Still, that's an improvement. I'll take it.

Another improvement - turnips and radishes are much less disgusting if cooked. It's still unlikely I'll get them again. It is nice to have a more edible way to consume them while I have them. Continuing with the food theme - barramundi is excellent. Barramundi is Asian sea bass. Apparently, it has all the health qualities of salmon but is better for you. I only bought it because it was cheap. I'm gonna keep it in the rotation.

Today's run was in the early afternoon. It was around 3:00. It was pretty cool until I started running. There's something about that sun on your body, no matter how cold it is, makes it hot. My legs were tired. My back also was tired. It's like in my laziness my back forgot how to stay upright. These runs are taxing it. There's probably nothing that could make me more disgusted with my current fitness level than that statement.

The run felt awful. I felt tired and slow. My feet felt like cinder blocks. It wasn't as slow as I thought. I wasn't breaking any speed records, but it wasn't as horrific as it felt. My heart rate was horrendous, though. Look at that. Just look at it. It was hotter than it has been lately. Not that hot, though. I think I was just tired. I'm taking tomorrow off and just doing some light resistance training. Hopefully, that helps.

I felt more mentally tired today too. My eyes and mind were more tired. I don't know if that's because there are more carbs in the vegetables I've been eating, if I'm not getting enough sleep, if my body is adjusting to working out, or if I'm not eating enough. I'll play with some of those variables and see what fixes it.

My hamstring didn't bother me at all today. My knee feels a little tired. It needs a break like the rest of me does. I'm glad tomorrow is an off day.

Either way, I'm going for broke this time. Pains be damned.