Lumpy couch, frozen fingers, metamorphosis?

Running Mileage Total: 9.49 Miles

Welp, I fell asleep on the couch last night. I told myself I didn't want to do that this training season. Here's what happened. I took my son to Karate and bought a bunch of new vegetables. I ate all the others. We got home. I put him to bed. I watched "Winter House" with my wife. Then I watched Jeopardy. I always watch Jeopardy. Then it was time to make my new vegetable salad. Here's what I bought:

I peeled and sliced and tossed. After that, I wanted to watch one show before I slept. So I put on Legend of Korra. I'm a child, I know. I watched one episode and, of course, wanted to watch another. Then I fell asleep. The couch gets lumpier every time I do that.

I woke up at 3:25 and almost went back to sleep. I didn't. I got up and started a load of laundry instead. I'm trying to be a good husband. Then I put on my running shoes and went for a run. It definitely wasn't a fast run. For some reason, runs always feel faster when it's cold out, though. Here are the stats:

Noticeably slower than the first two days. I'm not trying to push it now, though. And that heart rate. Look at that heart rate. That's what I want to see. I'm sure some of that had to do with the cold. I'm sure some of it had to do with my being considerably slower.

One thing I will say is this run was cold. Cold with a capital K. KOLD! Mortal Kombat kold - sub-zero style. My fingers were frozen. I'll make sure to wear gloves next time.

No real pains yet. I still feel the hamstring, but it doesn't hurt. It just nags. My right knee feels swollen behind the knee cap. It also doesn't hurt. I'll keep my eye on it.

Either way, pains or not. I'm going for broke.