Bad night, cold day, feeling better.

Running Mileage Total: 6.33

Last night was a bad night. I won't get into why it was bad. Not right now. Someday maybe, though. Just know it was a bad night. Part of it being bad was I didn't get enough sleep. I'm really going for 7.5+ hours. I definitely did not get that last night.

Because of the bad night, I did not run in the early morning like I had planned. I instead ran at midday. It's a cool day, which made it pleasant to run. I can't say the run was the best run I've ever had. It wasn't. I can't really expect much right now, though. It's only the second day of a loooooong training season.

Obviously, this pace isn't going to cut it. Boston demands more. But I'm happy for now. I got out for a run, and my body didn't hurt. The hamstring pain is still there but not getting worse. The shin pain was nonexistent. I feel some knee pain, but I always feel knee pain. It's no worse than it was before.

I'm feeling better now that I got out. I'm also forgiving myself for last night. I'll move forward and try not to have another bad night.