Crispy air, short run, pulled a hammy?

Running Mileage Total: 3.1 Miles

Yesterday's return to glory didn't happen. It happened today instead. Sorta.

I took off on my run at 7:30 am. Definitely later than I had hoped. It felt great to be out again. In San Diego, we just had over an inch of rain. AN INCH OF RAIN. That's a lot of rain. For us.

Anyway. The air was crisp and cool. A light breeze carried the scent of fresh rain to my nose. I saw my son's friends in their mom's car on the way to school. It started off wonderfully.

You might feel like I'm setting you up for some kind of tragedy. I'm not. The run was fine. It was slow. I was tired. But it was fine. My run started at my house and was a ~1.55 mile out-and-back for a total of 3.1 miles.

I'm not too worried about any of that. Except for the HR. I need to work on that. Even if it means sacrificing speed right now. I have ~8 weeks before Boston Marathon training starts. I have time. But not much.

What I do have a few slight concerns about. I have a lingering hamstring injury that doesn't seem to want to go away. It doesn't hurt too much. It does feel like it could get worse if I'm not careful. Also, my interior right shin already feels a little wonky. Gonna have to keep an eye on that as well.

Either way, I'm going for broke on this one. Injuries be damned. I'm giving it my all.